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План урока "Музыка"
Тимошевская В.В.
г. Красноярск
Открытый урок по теме
“Wonders of the World”
11 класс, профильное обучение.
Цели урока:
обучающая - обучение свободной неподготовленной речи , используя тематический словарь;
развивающая - развитие творческого креативного мышления, логики;
воспитательная - определение учащимися ценностей, значимых для их образования;
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
 подготовка к уроку
To begin with, right now you’ll listen to a piece of music . It’s from the film Masquerade Sweet composed by Khachaturian .
The question is; can we accept this music and the performance of the orchestra as wonder as well. And why?
As for me I consider this music divine and haunting. Every time when I listen to it I seem to float in the air.
Учащиеся слушают вальс Хачатуряна из кинофильма «Бал-маскарад«
Приложение №1
 постановка целей и задач
So today we go on speaking about wonders of the world. Mostly we concerned proverbial ”Seven wonders of the world”. Today we’ll touch the wonders of the Middle Ages @ the New Seven Wonders of the World as well. So let’s start.
2. Работа с тематическим словарем. Look at this phenomena of Wonders and express your astonish using some of “surprise “ words. Express your admiration. Mind the “praise” adjectives. (Изображение Machu Picchu)
Приложение №2
3. Read the entry from Wikipedia and say what new information about Machu Picchu you have learnt.
Интернет on-line страница Википедии http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machu_Picchu
4 Now it’s time to touch Wonders of Middle ages. Listen to my statements and match them with the names of some of these wonders.
a) the structure which was polyfunctional;
b) the structure that can be regarded as a military fortification;
c) the structure which exists in contradiction to the laws of gravity;
d) the structure that can be regarded as a religious shrine.
Wonders of Middle Ages
Stonehenge, the Coliseum, the Great Wall of China, The Leaning Tower of Piza
Приложение №3; слайд№2
Ответы: 1. D 2.a 3.b 4.c
5. So we referred to Wonders of the World of Ancient time, middle Ages and the New Seven Wonders. How do you think if there are seven wonders of Russia. In 2007 the national contest devoted to the most beautiful places in the country was announced. On the 12th of June Russia has summed up the results of the contest. Who knows what is included in the list of Seven Wonders of Russia. Please your ideas. (Уч-ся подают идеи, которые записываются на доске или печатаются на компьютере и проецируется на экран)
Now let’s compare your list of wonders with the official one. As you have noticed four natural wonders and three architectural Wonders are included. Name the natural Wonders. And what are architectural ones?
Презентация. Слайды 7 чудес России №3-7
Приложение №3
6. Well, to get back to the point of wonders I’d like to suggest you a new idea.To put it another way : can we admit language to be one of the wonders. (Учащиеся отвечают) Language helps us to understand ourselves and our society. Language is considered to be a unique phenomena. Why? (Учащиеся отвечают).
However what English should we speak? Classica l, formal, informal slang, dirty English or “Queen‘s English”?( слушают речь Королевы Елизаветы on-line http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltevIi54C28
Discussion of the notion “Queen‘s English”.)
Приложение №4
7. Итог урока.
So we have spoken about Wonders ancient, of middle ages, and new. I hope you will remember them.
Your homework is to make your own list of Wonders and present it next lesson.
Приложение № 5
Thank you for your work at the lesson. You were brilliant.

Источник: http://mm-festival.letitbit.net/download/73948e2e6f783ccc9a8d9cf0a60976db5/TimoshevskaiaVV.7-Zip.html
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Timovalvic (29.06.2012) | Автор: Тимошевская Валерия Викторовна E
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