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Главная » Статьи » Предметы группы "Иностранный язык" » Английский язык

Посуховой Татьяной Николаевной – учителем английского языка

Программно-методическое обеспечение:
Программа по иностранному языку - базовый уровень;
УМК " Enjoy English-7 " М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва.

Цели урока:
закрепление пройденного материала по теме,
тренировка лексических и грамматических навыков,
активизация изученных речевых образцов;
воспитательная: развитие кругозора и желание узнать как можно больше об англоязычных странах;
развивающая: умение выражать свои мысли по заданной проблеме.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, презентация в Power Point , карточки с заданиями для игры.

Предварительная подготовка:
игру желательно проводить для параллельных классов, что придаст игре спортивный азарт. Ученикам заранее сообщается тема, они определяют сами членов команды (5 человек), остальные болельщики. Члены команды выбирают капитана, название команды и получают домашнее задание: подготовить материал об англо-говорящих странах (Great Britain, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, India, Australia). Во время игры команды получают баллы за каждый правильный ответ, побеждает та команда, которая наберёт большее количество баллов. Жюри состоит из старшеклассников: учащихся 10-11 классов.

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент:
- Good morning, children and our guests.
- I'm glad to see you. Today we are going to travel around the world with the winners of the world teenager's competition. ( Презентация) (слайд №1, 2)

II. Проведение игры:
- We start our competition.

Первый конкурс. Представление команд.

It's time to know the names of your teams. Introduce yourself.
Команды называют своё название, свои имена и девиз.

Второй конкурс. Разминка.
Our first game.
Listen to the first task. I will tell the country and you should name its capital.
Great Britain - London, India - New Delhi, Japan - Tokyo,
France - Paris, Canada - Ottawa, Egypt - Cairo,
Spain- Madrid, Russia - Moscow, Italy - Rome, China - Beijing.

The second task. I will tell the country and you should say which languages people speak in this country.
Germany - German, Egypt - Arabic, India - Hindi, New Zealand - Maori,
Poland - Polish, Finland - Finnish, Sweden - Swedish, Norway - Norwegian.
Команды должны соотнести страну с её столицей, страну с языком, на котором говорят в этой стране. Команды отвечают по очереди. Если одна команда не может дать правильный ответ, ей могут помочь болельщики.

Третий конкурс. Домашнее задание.

Сообщение об англоязычной стране.
Remember what you have known about different English-speaking countries. Discuss with your partners your telling. Look at the slides. They’ll help you. (слайды № 3)
Капитаны команд берут карточки с названиями стран, о которых команды рассказывают (примерные рассказы) (слайды № 4,5-9)
UK is a country in Europe. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Usually it's shortened to the United Kingdom or UK.
UK is an island country and it is one of the world's smallest countries.
London is the capital of the United Kingdom, one of the biggest and the most interesting cities in the world. It stands on the Thames, the most famous and important British river. The official language is English. The symbol of London is Big Ben.

The United States of America or the USA is situated in the North America. It consists of 50 states the District of Columbia, where the capital is. The capital is Washington. The biggest cities are New York, Los Angeles. The USA has the third largest population. It's a real melting pot. Its symbol is the Statue of Liberty.
India is situated in the South Asia. This large country is famous for its ancient culture and outstanding people. It is the birthday of four world religions. The capital of the country is New Delhi.
Its population has grown to 1,000 million people. There are 15 official languages in India and thousands of different dialects. People from different part of the country often do not speak each other's language. English is the only solution to this communication problem. The symbol of India is an elephant.
Australia is one of the seven continents on the Earth. It's also a large country which lies between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The capital is Canberra. English is the first state language.

Sometimes Australia is called "Oz" or "the Lucky country"
New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean .It's known mainly for its farming (meat, cheese and butter). The official languages are English and Maori. Maori are the original people of New Zealand.
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It's the country second large city and a main port.

Canada is situated in North America, the capital is Ottawa. The official languages are English and French.
Canada is famous for the Niagara Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world on the border between Canada and the USA.
This country is famous for hockey clubs. The most famous hockey club is Montreal Canadians.

Четвёртый конкурс. Конкурс капитанов.

Our next task is for our captains. You like to travel, don't you? What countries do you want to visit? What do you know about English-speaking countries?
The first task. Look at the slides. Match those things and the country which is famous for it (слайд № 10, 11, 12)
The second task. Match the country and the word combinations corresponding to them. (Слайд №13)
Great Britain Italy upside down
Australia an island state
New Zealand a "Lucky country"
The USA the second largest country in the world
India a real melting pot
Canada Multilanguage country

Пятый конкурс. Кроссворд.

Let's play the final game. Listen to the task. Guess the crossword. (слайд №14)
Команды получают листы с кроссвордом, при верном заполнении которого они должны получить новое слово " English".
1. The leaf of this tree is the official emblem of Canada. (A maple)
2. The second official language of India (Hindi)
3. The name of the Queen of Great Britain (Elizabeth)
4. In this country people speak Finnish. (Finland)
5. It is the most famous and important British river (the Thames)
6. He is a husband of a queen. (A king)
7. These birds lives in Antarctica (penguins)
Check yourselves. (Слайд №15)

III. Подведение итогов
I would like to thank you for being active and creative during this lesson. It's time to know the winners of our competition. My cоgranulations! Good luck!

Приложение к статье: http://mm-festival.letitbit.net/download/32f381a9e0fdebd39d86b67c6fb327534/PosuhovaTN.ppt.html
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: mbouvsosh2-101 (24.06.2012) | Автор: Посухова Татьяна Николаевна E
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1 LeylaГанеева21  
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