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Здоровый сон – пища для мозга
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29.09.2014, 23:02


Тема урока: Здоровый сон – пища для мозга

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

Автор урока:  Карпейко Валентина Евгеньевна, учитель английского языка

Образовательное учреждение: ГУО «Прилукская средняя школа»

Республика Беларусь

а.г. Атолино

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетен­ции учащихся в рамках обозначенной коммуникативной ситуации.

Задачи урока

Практические: - формировать навыки устной речи учащихся в определенной ситуации;

Образовательные: - развивать навыки говорения по теме с использованием лексического и грамматического материала

Развивающие: - развивать способность к общению в группе;

Воспитательные: - способствовать формированию готовности к общению, воспитывать культуру общения и взаимоотношений со сверстниками

Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут построить монологическое высказывание на основе прочитанного текста и просмотренного мультфильма о проблеме сна.



- компьютер; экран, проектор,  мультфильм, дидактический раздаточный материал.


Ход занятия


  1. Приветствие.  Организационный момент  (2 min)


T: Hello, children! How are you today? That’s fine.

Oh! I’m dead tired. I’m sleepy. First, I had nightmare, then I had heavy sleep because I lost sleep over my problems.

To tell the truth I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was tossing and turning all night. I hope I’ll catch up on sleep and I’ll sleep like a log today at night.


II. Речевая разминка (5 min)

T: And I wonder how do you sleep? Let’s discuss your sleeping. Are you ready to talk about sleep in English?

How long do you usually sleep?

When do you fall asleep on weekdays?

How long should a person sleep to feel well?

Is it harmful for your brain to sleep less than 7 – 8 hours?

Can a lack of sleep cause illnesses?

What happens to a person who doesn’t sleep enough?


III. Чтение (7 min)

T: Let’s check whether you are right. Compare your answers with the information from the text. What facts do you find more surprising? (см. Приложение 1)


IV. Введение лексических единиц (7 min)

T: Talking about sleep is interesting, especially because in our fast paced world it seems that no one is getting enough sleep. Siestas are becoming a thing of the past and getting only 4 hours of sleep a night has become normal.

Not only talking about sleeping is interesting, it also introduces English learners a lot of useful phrasal verbs and idioms.

Do you know what it means to be dead tired? Do you sleep like a log? Are you a light sleeper?

What do these idioms about sleep mean? Take a guess!

  1. Match these idioms with their meaning (Приложение 2).


not sleep a wink

go to bed

lose sleep over something

short sleep

sleep like a log


sleep before midnight or as
recommended by health professionals (about 8 hours for adults) to preserve youthful looks

toss and turn

not sleep at all


be worried about something

beauty sleep


sleep very deeply without waking up for a long time 

cat nap

sleep (informal)

hit the hay

be constantly moving in bed
unable to sleep



not sleep a wink

not sleep at all

lose sleep over something

be worried about something

sleep like a log


sleep very deeply without waking up for a long time

toss and turn


be constantly moving in bed
unable to sleep


sleep (informal)

beauty sleep


sleep before midnight or as
recommended by health professionals (about 8 hours for adults) to preserve youthful looks

cat nap

short sleep

hit the hay

go to bed


Good job.

  1. Let’s make sleep idioms test. Fill in the blanks with missing words. (см. Приложение 3)
  1. Grace is getting married tomorrow. She knows she is going to have a difficulty to get … the night before her wedding.
  2. Karin’s newborn baby woke up at midnight and has been crying ever since. Karin did … that night.
  3. Sometimes I take a 15 minute … during the day just to feel more energized and refreshed.
  4. I usually … between midnight and 1 a.m. I should try and go to bed earlier.
  5. We spend two weeks on our aunt’s farm every summer. It’s so peaceful and quite that I always … there.
  6. Many people say they … at night, losing their sleep over stress.
  7. To stay healthy and attractive adults should go to the bed early and get about 8 hours of sleep every night. This is sometimes called a … .


  1. Grace is getting married tomorrow. She knows she is going to have a difficulty to get SHUTEYE the night before her wedding.
  2. Karin’s newborn baby woke up at midnight and has been crying ever since. Karin did NOT SLEEP A WINK that night.
  3. Sometimes I take a 15 minute CAT NAP during the day just to feel more energized and refreshed.
  4. I usually HIT THE HAY between midnight and 1 a.m. I should try and go to bed earlier.
  5. We spend two weeks on our aunt’s farm every summer. It’s so peaceful and quite that I always SLEEP LIKE A LOG there.
  6. Many people say they TOSS AND TURN at night, losing their sleep over stress.
  7. To stay healthy and attractive adults should go to the bed early and get about 8 hours of sleep every night. This is sometimes called a BEAUTY SLEEP .

V. Физкультминутка. Интервьюирование (5 min)

  1. (Students practice the new idioms interviewing and discussing the questions). (См.  Приложение 4)
  1. Are you a light sleeper or do you sleep like a log?
  2. What time do you usually hit the hay?
  3. Do you usually get your beauty sleep?
  4. Do you sometimes toss and turn at night?
  5. Are you able to get a shuteye on a bus or subway?
  6. Do you lose sleep over problems?


V. Работа с мультфильмом. (1 часть)

5.1. Предсмотровой этап.

T: Look at these pictures.  How do you think what this cartoon is about?

Now, I’d like you to watch a funny cartoon.

It’s a short film from 1953 about sleeping difficulty.

What makes you sleep?


5.2. Смотровой этап

While watching try to focus on the information about Goofy and his problem. (Смотрим 1 часть мультфильма)


5.3. Послесмотровой этап


T: What puts man to sleep according to the cartoon?

How does a man sleep? 

What’s the problem with Goofy?


6. Работа с мультфильмом. (2 часть)


6.1. Предсмотровой этап.

T: Tell me, please, what do you do if you can’t sleep?


6.2. Смотровой этап

While watching try to focus on the information about Goofy’s methods of  solving sleeping difficulty. (Смотрим 2 часть мультфильма)


6.3. Послесмотровой этап

T: What does Goofy try to do to fall asleep?

What does the scientist use to cure Goofy's insomnia?


VI.Чтение (5) (см. Приложение 5)


T: OK. I think that it was rather interesting for you to learn some methods of curing insomnia and solving sleeping difficulties. And now I suggest you to read a scientific article about solutions of the problem of sleeping.

Look through the article. Be ready to speak about methods of curing insomnia and solving sleeping difficulties using the information from the text and the cartoon and your own experience.


VII. Подведение итогов (5)


T: I hope this information about sleep was useful for you, wasn’t it? Let’s see.  What new facts about sleep have you learnt?  

P1: It was interesting for me to know that …           

P2: For me the most exciting fact was that …   

T: What are the consequences of having sleep difficulties?     

T: Have we achieved our goal? Can you make a speech in favour of good sleep?

P3: Sure. I think I get down to work right now.

P4: I’d like my article to be published on the site.

P5: It’s so exciting to make a speech in favour of good sleep.         

T: Is good sleep a luxury or a necessity?


VIII. Предъявление домашнего задания

T: Your task is to make a two-minute speech in favour of good sleep. Use the information that we have learnt today.


IX. Выставление отметок

T: Thank you for your work. Your marks are… .


Have a nice day. Good-bye!


Использованные источники и литература


  1. Лапицкая, Л.М. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для 9-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с рус. яз. обучения / Л.М. Лапицкая [и др.]. – Минск: Выш. шк., 2011. – С. 48 – 49.
  2. Sweet sleep. http://www.study.ru/treasury/19-05-09.html
  3. Snooze Buttons and English Idioms About Sleep with Listening Exercise.


  1. Goofy – How To Sleep. Part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fItt20hv7pU
  2.  Goofy – How To Sleep. Part 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMijEWHC0hk


Приложение 1


Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep, important body functions and brain activity happens. Sleeping little can be harmful. You can look bad, feel bad, and you work poorly. If you don’t sleep enough, you may find it difficult to get along with your family and friends and get bad marks at school. Remember: a brain that is hungry for sleep will get it, even when you don’t expect it. When you do not get enough sleep, you are more likely to have an accident or illness.

Sleep is important to your well-being. It can even help you to manage the stress of being a teen.

Teens need about 9 hours of sleep each night to function best (for some, 8 hours is enough). Most teens do not get enough sleep. Teens often stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep.


Приложение 2


not sleep a wink

go to bed

lose sleep over something

short sleep

sleep like a log


sleep before midnight or as
recommended by health professionals (about 8 hours for adults) to preserve youthful looks

toss and turn

not sleep at all


be worried about something

beauty sleep


sleep very deeply without waking up for a long time 

cat nap

sleep (informal)

hit the hay

be constantly moving in bed
unable to sleep



Приложение 3

Idioms test

 Fill in the blanks with missing words.

  1. Grace is getting married tomorrow. She knows she is going to have a difficulty to get … the night before her wedding.
  2. Karin’s newborn baby woke up at midnight and has been crying ever since. Karin did … that night.
  3. Sometimes I take a 15 minute …  during the day just to feel more energized and refreshed.
  4. I usually … between midnight and 1 a.m. I should try and go to bed earlier.
  5. We spend two weeks on our aunt’s farm every summer. It’s so peaceful and quite that I always … there.
  6. Many people say they … at night, losing their sleep over stress.
  7. To stay healthy and attractive adults should go to the bed early and get about 8 hours of sleep every night. This is sometimes called a … .

Приложение 4

Are you a light sleeper or do you sleep like a log?






















The question was …

According to the research …


What time do you usually hit the hay?






















The question was …

According to the research …


Do you usually get your beauty sleep?






















The question was …

According to the research …


Do you sometimes toss and turn at night?






















The question was …

According to the research …


Приложение 5


Not getting enough sleep or having sleep difficulties can:

  • limit your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. You may even forget important information like names, numbers, your homework or a date with a special person in your life.
  • add to skin problems;
  • lead to bad behaviour such as shouting at your friends or being impolite to your teachers  or family members;
  • make you eat too much or eat unhealthy foods that lead to weight gain.



  • Make sleep a priority. Decide what you need to change to get enough sleep to stay healthy and happy.
  • Make your room comfortable. Keep it cool, quite and dark. If you need to, get dark curtains. Let in bright lights in the morning to tell your body to wake up.
  • Having caffeine close to bedtime can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, coca cola and chocolate late in the day so you can get to sleep at night.
  • Choose a bed and wake-time and stick to it, coming as close as you can on the weekends. A good sleep schedule will help you feel less tired.
  • Don’t eat, drink, or exercise within a few hours of your bedtime. Don’t leave your homework for the last minute. Try to avoid the TV, computer and telephone one hour before you go to bed. Have quiet, calm activities, and you’ll fall sleep much more early!
  • If you do the same things ever night before you go to sleep, you teach your body the signals that it’s time for bed. Try taking a bath or shower (this will leave you extra time in the morning), or reading a book. 











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Уважаемая Валентина Евгеньевна!
Сообщаю Вам, что данная работа прошла техническую экспертизу и не допущена к участию в Пятом открытом фестивале «Мультимедиа в образовании», т.к. представлен неполный пакет
документов. Согласно документу 2.1. Требования к фестивальным материалам в архиве должен быть конспект занятия и описание мультимедиа компонента по образцам. На сайте должна быть аннотация проекта.
Корректировка и повторное размещение материалов не допускается, но количество представляемых на фестиваль работ не ограничивается.
С уважением, технический эксперт Е.Н. Сенникова

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